Effortless Confidence Accelerator

Build Resiliency, Confidence, Master Your Inner Critic and Mindset
Our Effortless Confidence Accelerator enables leaders to build their mental fitness so they can fulfill their true potential. In our 8-week program you’ll develop mindset mastery to effectively engage with subconscious self-limiting beliefs, learn skills to overcome them and maximize leadership performance.
This 8-week program will support you in understanding your inner “Judge,” otherwise known as the inner critic. Your inner “Judge” is the voice that tells you that you are “never enough” and contributes to full blown “Imposter Syndrome.”
You’ll learn the operating system to identify ways in which you self-sabotage, impose self-limiting beliefs and stories that you subconsciously believe that impact your success and fulfillment.
The program has a group coaching component that is facilitated virtually every week on Zoom to allow for flexibility and to include leaders from a diverse number of organizations. Although we meet weekly, the program is also phone app-guided to rewire the brain for peak performance and happiness. The program is often called “life-changing” by its participants. Learners should expect to build supportive, cohesive communities and grow with other leaders.
By the end of the 8-weeks you will build powerful habits for a positive mindset. You’ll understand how and why you self-sabotage and the skills to sustain positive change to empower yourself and your team.
Attendees will be able to:
- Reveal hidden blocks and beliefs to success (mental saboteurs), clarify goals, actions and remove roadblocks
- Learn techniques to be more empathetic to yourself and others, innovative, creative and collaborative
- Disempower self-defeating judgements
- Befriend and retrain the most influential voice in your life (the one in your head) to shift more frequently and easily to the positive
- Learn and embody the skills to manage stress that leads to burnout and fatigue
- Lower mental and physical fatigue caused by stress, anxiety, frustration or resentment
- Build confidence and presence, deepen relationships, and increase your leadership impact
- Identify irrational beliefs and reduce rumination
- Learn the mindset that will serve as an antidote to beliefs that serve to limit, exhaust, and steal your joy
Courses can also be offered to intact teams in the same organization, female leaders from multiple organizations to create a new support network or individual leaders seeking their own professional and personal development.
Program Requirements:
- Attend 8-weekly Group Coaching sessions on Zoom (held on Monday or Tuesday evenings)
- One individual coaching session at program completion
- Take a self-assessment to identify your top Saboteurs
- Learn the operating system that will serve as an antidote to negative beliefs that limit and exhaust you, as well as steal your joy
- Daily 15-minute home-work inside the online phone app
- Listen to 60-minute weekly training sessions

Why Effortless Confidence Accelerator is important to those in a leadership position: If you are feeling burnout and questioning your ability to “keep on, keeping on”, building your mental fitness will transform your experience at work and in your business. Being a mentally fit leader will help you to feel less stress, greater confidence, more energy and fulfillment in your career, relationships and life.
By mastering your mental fitness you’ll lower mental and physical fatigue caused by stress, anxiety, frustration, or resentment, and have the ability to handle your work and relationship challenges with ease.
The Effortless Confidence Accelerator provides tools and community support to have greater impact with groups, teams and individuals. You’ll get the tactical tools to manage stress that leads to burnout, fatigue, lowers job performance and relationship satisfaction, and builds the confidence to engage with others.
Based on groundbreaking research in psychology and neuroscience, Effortless Confidence Accelerator:
- Greater Fulfillment: Leaders are more likely to lead more fulfilled and happier teams who report their work climate to be conducive to high performance.
- Purposeful Living: They live a more fulfilled, confident, purpose-driven and joyful life.
- Stronger Relationships: Building empathy and understanding for others improves communication and builds positive relationships to support goal attainment.
- Energy & Well-Being: Results in greater energy, food choices, enhanced immune system functioning, lower levels of stress-related hormones, lower blood pressure, less pain, and better sleep.
- Decision Making: Leaders with high positive intelligence are more accurate, make better decisions and faster, trust in themselves and their team, and they have better relationships and are more productive and efficient.
- Performance: Teams led by leaders with high positive intelligence perform 31% higher on key performance metrics, take fewer sick days and are less likely to become burnt out or quit.
We are taking applications for our upcoming course.
Or, if you would like to be added to a future course, please sign up for our wait list through the application – Subject: Effortless Confidence Accelerator Waitlist.