Do you ever lose sleep on this question? If so, you’re not alone! A client was recently asking herself this very question, so I am curious your thoughts and advice on this.

This is a super common question for many professionals as everyone has some level of negative voices when thinking about advancement to a new role or moving to the next level. There’s a fear of inadequacy, the learning curve, or imposter syndrome, which can make you doubt your own abilities and natural talents! But, it’s important to remember that building confidence is a process that takes time and effort. And sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of mentorship.

If you’re wondering whether you’re ready for a promotion, it’s important to start by putting your career first, not the job. Ask yourself where you want to be in five or ten years. Do you see yourself in the next leadership role? Perhaps making decisions that impact the larger organization. If you’re beginning to feel discomfort in being comfortable in your role, or you’ve received feedback that it’s a good time for you to level-up, then you may need to start taking steps to make that make this a reality.

Remember, your natural talent is already there. You just need to learn how to harness it. That’s where mentorship comes in. Find someone who has been in your shoes before and learn from their experiences. Ask for feedback, take their advice to heart, and don’t be afraid to make senior level decisions.

Ultimately, the decision to pursue a promotion is up to you. But, don’t let fear, or the impossible imposter, hold you back. With the right mindset, mentorship, and a commitment to putting your career first, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Let’s talk about some habits and factors to consider before making the leap towards change.

1) Recognize Any Negative Self-Talk

First off, it’s important to recognize and overcome any negative habits that may be holding you back, like ruminating on the past or feeling the need to “tone it down.” Instead, focus on your natural talents and model yourself after successful colleagues.

One tip is when ruminating thoughts come up you can intercept that thought and use the reframe method. The reframe method is a great practice to get you unstuck to move you past negative feelings and thoughts to give you a different outcome. You can find more information about reframing by applying for my Effortless Confidence Masterclass (

2) Build a Solid Development Plan

Another key factor is having a solid development plan, with a mentor or coach that you trust to support your goals and check in with regularly. Make sure the plan aligns with your goals to truly support your career growth. Ask questions, dig in, and build relationships with them and ask to be introduced to key players in the company that can support where you want to go.

You’ll also want to consider the impact of the new position on your life, both professionally and personally. Will it offer exposure to other parts of the country, build strong business acumen, and opportunities for more impactful decision making? Or, will it be a struggle, with a fully remote or hybrid environment that may or may not align with your needs and values?

3) Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Ultimately, when deciding if it’s your time to up-level I tell my clients that they often feel uncomfortable in their comfort zone. Then, it’s about having a clear, specific vision for your future, so that you are ultimately feeling excited and fulfilled in your career. So go for it! The next promotion could be just around the corner.

And, if you’d like some additional support, I offer breakthrough sessions to explore topics such as these. Feel free to reach out!

Check out what I can do for you, and let’s start working together!