Solid habits are the building blocks of a successful life. They lay the foundation for a flourishing career, a well-balanced lifestyle, heightened productivity, and abundant energy. But let’s face it, building habits can be as challenging as trying to untangle a nest of Iphone cords! However, fear not, for I am here to guide you through this habit-building maze with a humorous twist. So, grab your notepad and let’s dive in!

First and foremost, understand that building solid habits requires consistency. It’s like brushing your teeth—you can’t expect pearly whites after a single vigorous scrubbing. Balance your efforts and start small. Begin by incorporating one new habit at a time, whether it’s dedicating 10 minutes after work to reading industry news or incorporating a meditation practice to boost your energy throughout the day or incorporating 15 minutes of movement between meetings. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your habits, so start small and remain consistent.

1) Create the Right Environment

Firstly, to boost your chances of success, employ the power of environment. Surround yourself with triggers that prompt your desired behaviors. For example, if you’re aiming to improve your productivity, create a dedicated workspace that’s free from distractions, equipped with all the necessary tools of your trade. This way, when you sit down to work, your brain will switch into productive mode faster than a cheetah chasing its prey.

2) Cue, Routine, Reward

Additionally, make use of the mighty habit loop. Cue, routine, reward—the trio that can turn a behavior into a habit. Identify the cue that triggers your desired action, establish a routine around it, and reward yourself when the habit is successfully executed. Rewards can be as simple as treating yourself to a shopping afternoon, a snack you enjoy or doing a little victory dance in your living room. Don’t worry, your secret victory dance is safe with me!

3) Have Patience

Lastly, be patient and embrace the occasional slip-up. Building solid habits is a journey, not a race, and it all begins with small micro-habits. Your habits will naturally want to spring back to status-quo as you are building them (especially under stress!), like a rubber band you pull back on. Your consistency will create its new shape. So, allow yourself some grace when you stumble, but don’t let it derail your progress. Dust yourself off, laugh at your humanly follies, and get back on track. After all, it’s the effort and consistency that will pave the way to a life filled with stellar career achievements, personal balance, heightened productivity, and optimized energy.

So go forth, my habit-building warrior, and conquer those habits like a boss. With determination, a sprinkle of humor, and a willingness to persevere, you’ll be habitually smashing your goals in no time. Now, excuse me while I do a victory dance of my own.

And, if you’d like some additional support, I offer breakthrough sessions to explore topics such as these. Feel free to reach out!

Check out what I can do for you, and let’s start working together!